Tag: how-to

Sending motion data to the Blynk app (part 2 of the Blynk tutorial)

In the first blog post we explained the basics of controlling the body interaction 2 (BI2) vibrator development board using the concept of  (virtual) pins. This time we want to send data from the BI2 board to the Blynk app. The BI2 has the MPU-9250 9DoF (9 Degrees of Freedom) IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) sensor on board. This sensor is a combination of an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. Especially the accelerometer is important for motion detection. This could be used for controlling the vibrator as show with the body interaction 1 (BI1).

For measuring the motion data we use the asukiaa library. Please search and install the library in the Arduino library manager.

In the program code the library must be included and a MPU9250 sensor object must be defined. Finally we need several variables of the type float.

#include <MPU9250_asukiaaa.h>
MPU9250 mySensor;
float aX, aY, aZ, mDirection, pitch, roll, yaw;

In the setup part of the program we need to tell the MPU9250 how it is connected to the ESP8266 microcontroller. [The MPU9250 IMU is connected by the I2C bus to the ESP8266 microcontroller: the sda pin of the IMU is connected to pin 4, the scl pin to pin 5. The connection between MPU9250 and ESP8266 is managed with the standard Wire library.]

For using the accelerometer and magnetometer we have to initialize the sensor with a begiAccel() call to the IMU library.

Wire.begin(4, 5); //sda, scl

We have to tell the program how often data is sent to the app. Therefore we need an important concept in microcontroller programming:


With the help of the timer we can tell the microcontroller to do a given tasks again and again e.g. after 1000 microsecond. You cannot use the delay function to pass time as this would interrupt the important call to the Blynk.run(); function which is located in the loop part of the program.

First we have to define an object of type Timer.

BlynkTimer timer;

In the setup part we have to say how often what the timer has to do. in this example the timer will call the function myTimerEvent every 1000 microsecond.

timer.setInterval(1000L, myTimerEvent);

In the loop part of the program we have to call the timer to keep things going:

timer.run(); // Initiates BlynkTimer

Now we need the function myTimerEvent what has to be done every 1000 seconds.

void myTimerEvent()
  // here add was has to be done

First we have to update the sensors (accelUpdate, magUpdate). Then we read out the acceleration data in the X, Y and direction. You can already use this data but they are hard to catch. Therefore we can calculate the pitch, roll and yaw. These are angles from -180° to +180°. The calculation is complicated and I don’t understand it. But with the given formulas you get a very rough approximation which makes the data quite accessible.

void myTimerEvent() {
  aX = mySensor.accelX();
  aY = mySensor.accelY();
  aZ = mySensor.accelZ();

  // calculate pitch, roll, yaw (raw approximation)
  float pitch = 180 * atan (aX/sqrt(aY*aY + aZ*aZ))/M_PI;
  float roll = 180 * atan (aY/sqrt(aX*aX + aZ*aZ))/M_PI;
  float yaw = 180 * atan (aZ/sqrt(aX*aX + aZ*aZ))/M_PI;

  // read gyroscope update
  mDirection = mySensor.magHorizDirection();

Finally we send the data back to the Blynk app. Now we use the virtual pins. For the variables pitch we  use virtual pin 2 (V2), for roll V3, for yaw V4 and for mDirection V5. We have to add the following line to the myTimerEvent function.

void myTimerEvent() {
  // send data to app via virtual ports, e.g. virtual pin V2 is set to pitch
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, pitch);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, roll);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, yaw);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, mDirection);

Now the data are continously sent to the Blynk app. To visualize the data we add the widget SuperChart.

For each variable we have to define the input (virtual) pin. For pitch we use the virtual pin V2. In addition we define the color and style of the graph and more.


Finally the super graph shows us the date from the accelerometer which are updated every second.

First part of the tutorial (setup Arduino, setup Blynk, LED and motor control) is here

Here is the complete code:


sample program for reading MPU data, setting LED color and motor speed
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
// include this library in the Arduino library manager
#include "FastLED.h"

// How many leds in your strip?
#define NUM_LEDS 1
// LED data pin is connected to pin?
#define DATA_PIN 14

// Define the array of leds
int wave;

// include this library in the Arduino library manager
#include <MPU9250_asukiaaa.h>
MPU9250 mySensor;
float aX, aY, aZ, mDirection, pitch, roll, yaw;

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "Your Auth Token XXXXXXXXXX";

// Your WiFi credentials.
char pass[] = "YOUR Password XXXXXXXXXXXX";
BlynkTimer timer;

void myTimerEvent()
  // read acceleration data
  aX = mySensor.accelX();
  aY = mySensor.accelY();
  aZ = mySensor.accelZ();
  // read gyroscope update
  mDirection = mySensor.magHorizDirection();
  // calculate pitch, roll, yaw (raw approximation)
  float pitch = 180 * atan (aX/sqrt(aY*aY + aZ*aZ))/M_PI;
  float roll = 180 * atan (aY/sqrt(aX*aX + aZ*aZ))/M_PI;
  float yaw = 180 * atan (aZ/sqrt(aX*aX + aZ*aZ))/M_PI;
  // send data to app via virtual ports, e.g. virtual pin V2 is set to pitch
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, pitch);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, roll);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, yaw);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, mDirection);

BLYNK_WRITE(V0) // set RGB color values which are transmitted from the app as V0 (virtual pin 0)
  int i = param[0].asInt();
  int j = param[1].asInt();
  int k = param[2].asInt();

void setup()
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

  Wire.begin(4, 5); //sda, scl

  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
  timer.setInterval(1000L, myTimerEvent);

void loop()
  timer.run(); // Initiates BlynkTimer


Please feel free to comment or write to jacardano@gmail.com

Blynk: Controlling BI2 from the smartphone

Readers ask me for an easy way to control the body interaction vibrator development board. Without or with limited  programming knowledge, without complicated Internet of thing technology, like the visual programming tool NODERED or the MQTT protocol and server.

That’s what Blynk is for. Started in 2016 as a kickstarter  campaign, they have built a tool which hides a lot of the complexity of the Internet of Things. Blynk consists of the following parts:

Blynk app. With this app you can build a User Interface in just a few minutes. You have all the usual elements like switches, slider,  graphs and much more for controlling IOT devices.

Blynk Server / Cloud is responsible for the communications between the smart phone and IOT devices. There is nothing to do, everything works in the background

IOT devices library: So far everything is very simple. But at the end you have to program your IOT device – the body interaction 2 board for example. They support a great number of boards. For this they created the blynk  library – with the library you need only some lines of code which must be uploaded to the board. Even when you change the user interface the code can stay the same. At least for simple changes. They offer a code generator where you code for your board and use case is generated automatically.

You find a lot of information in the Internet about the pros and cons. In short: It is easy compared to other tools, but if you want to implement your own algorithms programming knowledge is needed. Blynk limits the number of free User Interface elements. If you need more you have to pay  a small fee.


Here is short tutorial to run you BI2 with Blynk. (takes 30 minutes)

Download the Blynk app (Android or iPhone).

Within the Blynk app: Register for Blynk and get AUTHenitfication code.

Upload Arduino

You can download Arduino from the Arduino Website or from the Microsoft Store (Windows only)


Add or update the following libraries with the library manager: FastLED and Blynk.

Select Include libraries -> library manager

Search for FastLED and install this library (press install button).

Now search for “Blynk” and install the Blynk software. However Blynk suggests to install the Blynk app manually.


Add board definition for the ESP8266

Select Tools -> Board -> Board management

Search for ESP and install “esp8266”

Select Board -> Adafruit Feather

Build a connection between BI2 and your computer.

First download the USB driver from here and install the driver. Connect the BI2 with your computer. After some while windows will notice a new device. Windows will communicate with the board over a COM port (e.g. COM3). If you have any problemes check your USB wire. It must support all lines, not only + and – for charging.

Now go back to Arduino and select Tools -> Port. Select the new COM portcom port arduino

Compile and upload the code to BI2 board

Now copy and paste the following code in a Arduino sketch (use File -> new). Then press the Upload button.

Controling the body interaction 2 board with the Blynk app

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

// Auth Token infor the Blynk App.

// Your WiFi credentials.
char ssid[] = "XXXXXXXX";
char pass[] = "XXXXXXXX";

// Library for controlling the WS2821B (Neopixel) LED or LED strip
#include "FastLED.h"
#define NUM_LEDS 1 // number of LEDs
#define DATA_PIN 14 // pin for LED
CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; // define the array of leds

// This function set the LED color according to the selected RGB values in the app.
// RGB values are controlled in the app with zeRGBa widget
// values are stored in the virtual pin V0
// V0 consists of 3 values for Red, Green, Blue
BLYNK_WRITE(V0) // set LED RGB color values
  int i = param[0].asInt();
  int j = param[1].asInt();
  int k = param[2].asInt();

void setup()
  // init LEDs
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

  // connect to Blynk
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

void loop()

You have to change AUTH. Use the AUTH code / token that was sent to you during Blynk registration. Then you have to change the WLAN credentials. Use the name of your network (SSID) and its password. (Depending on the maximum voltage of the vibration motor you have to adjust i, j and k e.g. for a 1.5V motor divide the variables by 3.

Configure the Blynk app

Create a new project and choose this device: ESP8266. Now add user interface elements – they are called widgets -to control the BI2. You can move and resize, add and delete each widget. Press on the widget to enter parameters like GPIO port etc. The app could look like that but you may position the widgets as you like. [The pitch, roll, yaw text fields can be omitted. They are introduced later.]

Add the following Widgets

Press the “+” button and add this widget:

zeRGBA: With this tool you can control the WS2821B LED

Choose select pin V0 = Virtual Pin 0.

Choose Merge.

Send on release: off

Add Sliders

Press the “+” button and add two sliders, one for each motor.

1st silder: Select Digital Pin 12 (PWM)

2nd slider:  Select Digital Pin 13 (PWM)

Add Button

Press the “+” button and add the button widget. Select pin digital – gp0. Set mode to “switch”.

Start the app

Therefore press the Run (or play) button (top left).



Questions? Reply to this post, via wordpress or to jacardano@gmail.co


BI2 – building a silicone sex toy

Now let’s build the first ESP8266 vibrator. I use the reliable design from this blog post and the new BI2 board. The new BI2 board can be controlled from any smart phone or computer.

As the BI2 board is round there is no need to build a case for the PCB and the LiPo. The easist way is to glue the battery directly on the ESP8266. Connect the battery and one or more vibration motors with the BI2 board.


The form consists of two parts which are fastened together with tinker wire. Before you have to insert the board with the vibration motor(s) and the battery. Therefore I used a handle. The handle could be put on top of the form. Then fix a USB connector to the handle. Plug in the BI2 board. Fasten the second half of the form.

Very important: The USB micro connector on the board must be protected from the silicone. When silicone flow between USB plug and connector it will be impossible to pull out the plug. I use wax to seal the USB micro connector. Read more here.


Now pour in the silicone, wait for some hours. And open softely the form.


Remove the overhanging silicone.

Here ist the Link to Tinkercad where you can edit the form and download STL files for your 3D printer: Download from Tinkercad: formhandle. Download ready to print zipped STL files.

Now build YOUR personal sex toy. Here you find the code for the ESP8266 as well as an IOT server application for quantifying your sex and remote control.

BI2: ESP8266 Vibrator Development Board – becoming colourful

The second version of the development board – I will call it BI2 from now on –  has some improvements:

  • I used more components of the original design (Adafruit Feather Huzzah) instead of comparable (and cheaper) Seeedstudio Open Part Library components. The reason for this is easy. The Adafruit design is reliable and approved. No need for designing your own circuits, no risk to fail. (But also no fun in inventing new circuits.)
  • I added LED light – the WS2812B – which is a  colourful LED (16 Mill. colours). They are commonly known as Adafruit Neopixel – a strip or a ring of individual programmable LEDs.
  • The diameter is smaller the first version.
  • It can drive three motors. (When you use the LED then only two motors can be driven.)

Here are some impressions of the board:


As you can see I had to wire the LED by hand. The reason for this is that I used GPIO16 which does not work at all. So I wired the LED to GPIO0 which can be used for testing only. The only free GPIOs are 12, 13 and 14.








Basic Node for the Internet of Sex Toys – part 3: software

This the third part of the tutorial which has the following parts:

part 1: Basic Node for the Internet of Sex Toys

part 2: Molding the Basic Node

part 3: Software for the Basic Node

For the basic node a simple software realizes all features like Mqtt communication, Web server, basic web user interface, reading data from the accelerometer. Please use the code at github and send request over github. Now the imported parts of the code are explained.

To communicate with the IOT Mqtt is used (read more here). This is a fast protocol for data transmission. Therefore we need a Mqtt server. You can install one on your local computer or use a cloud-based Mqtt server. We use the free CloudMqtt. The following variables must be initiated with the data  of your server. Please get your own account at CloudMqtt or use my server (but don’t spam it, please). Please remember: Transmission is not encrypted, everybody can read it.

const char* mqtt_server = "m12.cloudmqtt.com";
uint16_t mqtt_port = 15376;
const char* mqtt_user = "nvcuumkf";
const char* mqtt_password = "C-X6glwisHOP";

We have now  7 different modes. In each mode the basic node behaves different.

const int offMode = 0;
const int maxMode = 1;
const int sinusMode = 2;
const int motionMode = 3;
const int constantMode = 4;
const int listenMode = 5;
const int listenAndMotionMode = 6;

In off mode the basic node is off, in max mode the vibration is maximum. In sinus mode the vibration speed is altered according to a sinus curve.

Web user interface of the basic node

In motion mode the vibration changes according to the movement of the basic node. When moved fast the speed goes up, when moved slowly or movement stops, the speed goes down. In constant mode any vibration speed can be set to any strength. This feature is only available by Mqtt messages eg. from the IOT node-RED user interface. The listen mode is still experimental. In this mode the speed will be changed by OTHER basic nodes. Finally in the listenAndMotionMode the speed is changed by movements of the basic node and by other nodes. This feature was already available with the body interaction 1 development board as standard mode!

The basic node starts a web server (see image). A web page is generated which build up the user interface. There are buttons for every mode. In addition the speed and the battery power is displayed. This is done in this function:

void generateWebpage() {

The next lengthy procedure is this:

void mqttCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {

This is a call back function which is executed whenever a Mqtt message comes in. It parses the Mqtt message which is in the popular JSON format. The commands which are communicated within JSON are explained here. In principle there is a command for every mode, when the command “set mode to off” is send the mode is set to offMode.

In the setup() part of the code you will find a lot of lines like that:

httpServer.on("/MOTOR=MAX", []() {

They corresponds to the generateWebpage() function. When say the max button on the web page is pressed than the affiliated httpServer function is executed. So for every button on the webpage you need a corresponding httpServer function to implement the functionality. In this case (MOTOR=MAX) the mode is set to the constant speed maxMode.

Finally in the loop section of the code the following functions are implemented:

  • reading the accelerometer data
  • change the vibration motor speed according to the mode
  • generate a new JSON message which is send out via Mqtt
  • do the timing

Not mentioned is the OTA (over the air update) function, which is integrated in the code.


For controlling the toy via the internet you can use node-Red. You can find the code at github via this link.

The flow is explained here and here.


Basic Node for the Internet of Sex Toys – part 2: 3d printed form, assembly, molding

In this series of posts we describe how-to make a vibrating sex toy which is part of the Internet of Things.

part 1: Basic Node for the Internet of Sex Toys

part 2: Molding the Basic Node

part 3: Software for the Basic Node

In part 2 we describe how-to make a mold form for the basic node. We need three forms:

  • the mold form which consists of two parts
  • the inlay which protects the electronics of the basic node
  • a “hanging” for the inlay




We used Tinkercad to construct the parts. The molding form is based on Tinkercad’s banana form. You can edit and share them from your browser:

Inlay: https://tinkercad.com/things/h5fFOBqlmjw

Hanging: https://tinkercad.com/things/jUxc2oAamww

Form: https://tinkercad.com/things/6HS3XScOsCM


Print out all forms. The STL files are available at Thingiverse. You might want to use XTC or similar for smoothing the inner part of the mold form.

Assembling the Inlay

We use the inlay to protect the electronics.

Simply put the electronics inside so that the upper body of the switch is on the same level as the upper inlay. We use hot glue to fix the basic node.

Then fix the receiver coil of the wireless charging module on top of the inlay. The next step is to fix the hanging at the inlay.

Now fix the LiPo battery on the bottom side of the inlay using hot glue or similar. Fix the wires. Finally you might fix the wires of the vibration motor next to the middle of the LiPo battery.

Use tinkering wire to fix both parts of the molding form.

Put the inlay in the form. Fix the hanging with a tape or similar. The motors shouldn’t touch the inner part of the form.

Now prepare the silicone. We use Shore A 45 silicone (approx. 250 ml) from Silikonfabrik.de. It is hard but still a bit flexible. You may add color, too. You have about 10 minutes to stir the silicone and poor it in the form.

After some hours you can remove the form. As you can see there is overhang which make removing the form very hard. The form could break when removing. Better preparation of the form (eg rasping) could improve the results.

If the blue LED of the Wemos board is still active you were successful.

Now you need a charging station. The construction is shown here. It is also possible to connect the sender (or transmitter) module with a 5V power source (eg. from the USB port). Just put the bottom of the molded basic node on the sender coil.


In the next part we introduce an updated version of the software including over the air update and WiFi management.

Basic Node for the Internet of Sex Toys (part 1)

Wemos mini modules: ESP8266, motor driver and battery charging (in the middle); Wireless charging module (right side); wireless charging coil (top side); encapsulated vibration motors (left side)

In previous posts we showed how to build a vibrating sex toy in principle as part of the Internet of Things (IOT). In addition we have selected a hardware platform – the popular ESP8266 – for controlling a vibrator motor, gathering motion data and connecting to the internet. Now we want to build the toy itself.

part 1: Basic Node for the Internet of Sex Toys

part 2: Molding the Basic Node

part 3: Software for the Basic Node

Brief Review of development boards

There are a lot of development boards which are equipped with the ESP8266. The popular NodeMCU was already introduced here. Here is a quick overview and comparison:


  • plus: very popular, cheap, USB connector for programming
  • minus: quite large (for being part of a sex toy), no support for battery charging

Adafruit Feather Huzaah ESP

  • plus: USB connector for programming and battery charging, smart form factor (only 23 mm wide), very good support (libraries, tutorials)
  • minus: quite expensive

WeMos D1 mini (pro)

  • plus: very cheap, USB connector for programming, additional stackable modules (eg. battery charging, TFT screens, motor driver), good form factor
  • minus: no real support (but there is a forum, problems with modules reported

ESP8285 (variant of the ESP8266)

  • plus: really small (!!!) and smart form factor, USB programming and battery charging, optional sensors on board (but no motion sensors)
  • minus: quite expensive, only 1MB memory (nevertheless enough for a lot of application)

For our project we selected the WeMos mini cause we get almost everything we need:

  • USB connector for programming
  • module for battery charging
  • module for a motor driver
  • good form factor (eg. to be put in a vibrator handle or in the base of a dildo)
  • cheap, fast delivery

But there is no shield for motion detection (accelerometer,gyroscope). So we have to use an additional board eg equipped with the MPU9250.

But there is a problem with the WeMos motor shield: After a few seconds it stopped working. And in addition the MPU9250 stopped working, too. Hours and hours we tried different configurations, changed the libraries … The problem was the motor driver shield itself. Fortunately there is an easy work around. Read here.

Another issue is the battery shield. It has an extra USB connector for charging the battery. So you have two USB connectors (one for battery charging and one for uploading). Two USB connectors are not handy. Fortunately we can do without the USB connector for uploading as it is possible to update the software over the air (OTA) using WiFi.


As the body interaction philosophy uses motion for controlling the device we have to add the MPU. Again we use the MPU9250 which has an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer.

Another insight was that you need at least a switch for rebooting. As we want to mold everything the switch must meet the IP67 requirements, which means it is water- (and silicone) proof. If you don’t want to mold the electronics you can use the RESET button on the WeMos mini board.

A perfect basic node has a wireless charging option, too.

Material list for the basic node:

  • Wemos mini board
  • Wemos motor driver shield
  • Wemos battery shield
  • Wemos prototyping board
  • Wemos set of pins
  • LiPo battery (eg. 3,7V 650mAh, 2C, JST plug, available at ebay)
  • MPU 9250 board (for motion control)
  • 1 or 2 encapsulated vibration motors, 3V, available at Alibabaexpress
  • Optional: Switch IP 67 protected (eg. Cherry Switches DC1C-K8AA IP67) – for molding
  • Optional: Wireless charging receiver 5V eg from Seeed Studio

Material: battery shield, Wemos mini ESP8266, motor shield, MCU9250 (first row), LiPo battery, switch, vibration motor (second row)


Soldering the basic node

We use one connector (part of the Wemos set of pins) to connect the Wemos mini with the battery shield and the motor shield. This is done to save space. If your application has enough space you would use one connector for every shield.

Battery shield, Wemos mini ESP 8266, motor shield (from top to bottom)

Now have a look at the bottom side where the motor shield should be. We can connect up to 2 motors. Solder motor 1 to A1 and A2. Motor 2 has to be soldered to B1 and B2. In addition we need input power for the motor. We just use the 5V provided by the Wemos mini battery shield. Connect 5V to VM and GND (from the pins) and GND. But you could use other (more powerful) power sources, too.

Wemos offers a prototyping board. We use it for mounting the switch and for the MPU9250. Connect the MPU9250 to the bottom side of the prototyping board. Therefore 4 pins have to be soldered

Solder pin (1 row, 4 pins)  on the top side next to TX, RX, D1, D2


Now look at the bottom side of the prototyping board. Put the MPU 9250 so that VCC, GND, SDA, SCL are connected to the pins.

Next, solder the MPU 9250.

Then add more pins to the prototyping board at both sides. The picture shows the bottom side of the prototyping board.

Now wire the prototyping board. The picture shows the top side.

Now you can add the switch. Place it in the middle of the board on the top side. Connect GND and RST to the switch. Now you have a switch for rebooting which can be molded.

Now we have both parts ready and can stack them together.

Stack them together!

Now add the LiPo battery, which should have a JST header. Now your basic node is ready.

Wireless charging option

Especially for sex toys a wireless charging option is reasonable as this is a requirement for silicone molding of the toy.  And when the toy is molded it is safe and washable.

The wireless charging module consists of a sender (or transmitter module) and a receiver module. You have to solder the receiver module to the battery shield. Don’t mix the modules.

unfortunately there is only  a USB connector. If you don’t want to remove the USB connector you can solder the red (+) wire to the R330 resistor as shown on the pictures. The black (-) wire can be soldered to any pin labeled (GND).

Now put the receiver module on top of the battery module.

Now stack the protoytping board on top of the battery shield.  And connect the battery.To charge the battery connect the sender (or transmitter) module to 5V. To power the sender module you may use a USB port power source which has about 500mAh or more. Place sender and receiver coil about each other.  For a more professional charging solution you need a charging station. The making of a charging station using 3d printing is described here.

Learn how to construct the mold form in part 2:

part 2: Molding the basic node

part 3: Software for the basic node

OpenSCAD as silicone molding form generator

scadmoldform1tryballs_revisited_3_finalAn alternative to 3d-printed sex toys are silicone toys. For making such a sex toy you need a molding form, where you pour in the silicone. If you use Tinkercad to build the form for the balls motive, you may need more than one hour. If you are not experienced in 3d constrcution it may take days. That’s ok and can be fun as you can realize your fantasies step by step.



molded-with-ueberh-querBut if you want to change a detail or want to resize some parts of it, it will take a long time as you have to unbuilt parts of the form, make changes and then reassemble. Sometimes building from scratch is faster.

In the last blog post we have introduced OpenSCAD to construct a sex toy form. Now we want to build a hull for the sex toy for overmolding.

The basic idea is very simple:

  • Generate two forms. The smaller one has the size of the sex toy you want to make. The larger one will be the form where you pour in the silicone.
  • Than use the OpenSCAD difference command which “subtracts” or cuts out the smaller form from the larger form.

But it is more complicated:

  • You have to include a frame otherwise the form would fall over.
  • You need two forms (A and b) so you could open the form after molding.
  • Both forms must be fastened together when molding. Therefore you need holes for tinkering wire.

bi-round-12-scadWe have created a solution for molding form generation which is as flexible as our OpenSCAD sex toy generator. In addition you can change the thickness of the frame. Therefore you have to change the variable frame_thickness.

The SCAD script uses the module base which is already introduced. The generation of the frame is done in the module frame. The frame consists of a base plate and two supporting frames which stabilize the whole form. In addition there are extensions to the frame in the upper part of the form. These extensions will provide holes for fastening both forms.

The module complete_form constructs the form which is tricky. The union command is used to join the complete outer form and the frame. Now we have a filled form and have to remove the inner part. This is done by subtracting another complete form which is a bit smaller than the outer form. This is done with the difference command.

Another module hole provides all holes for the tinkering wire. At last we construct part A and part B of the molding form. Again the difference command is used to cut out one half of the form. This is done by subtracting a cube which is placed in the middle of the complete form. In addition the holes must be subtracted from the complete form.

You can build in the body interaction vibrator development board to make a vibrating dildo, controlled by motion or by another body interaction vibrator development board. Read more here.

Try out with the Thingiverse customizer.

Download the zipped SCAD file here: bi1-round12

Or copy and paste the source code to the SCAD software:

// bodyinteraction toy form and mold form generator
// radius of bottom part
r_bottom=25; // [15:5:80] 
// height of bottom part
h_bottom=30; // [10:5:80] 
// top rounding of bottom part
rounding=10; // [10:5:20]
// radius of ball 1 
r_ball1=21; // [15:5:50] 
// radius of ball 2
r_ball2=15; // [15:5:50] 
//radius of ball 3 
r_ball3=11; // [15:5:50] 
// radius of connecting cylinders
connector_radius=8; // [10:2:20]
// distance between balls and bottom part
ball_distance=15; // [10:2:40]
// offset (thickness of hull)
// thickness of frame

height=h_bottom+3*ball_distance+r_ball1*2+r_ball2*2+r_ball3*2; echo(height);

// form part A
difference() {
//form part B
difference() {

module holes (height,h_bottom){
for (i=[h_bottom+30:10:height])

for (i=[0:10:h_bottom+20])

for (i=[h_bottom+30:10:height])
for (i=[0:10:h_bottom+20])

module complete_form (r_bottom,h_bottom,rounding,r_ball1,r_ball2,r_ball3,connector_radius,ball_distance,o,frame_thickness,height) {
 difference() {
 union() {
 //complete frame

module frame(width,o,height,frame_thickness,r_bottom,h_bottom,rounding) {
 translate([-width/2,-width/2-2*o,height]) cube(size=[width,width+2*o,frame_thickness]);
 translate([-width/2,-frame_thickness/2,0]) cube(size=[width,frame_thickness,height]);
 //frame 1 extensions
 translate([-width/2-010,-frame_thickness/2,-5]) color("blue")cube(size=[12,frame_thickness,60]);
 translate([-width/2-10,-frame_thickness/2,55]) color("red")rotate([0,45,0]) cube(size=[12,frame_thickness,20]);
 translate([+width/2-2,-frame_thickness/2,-5]) color("green")cube(size=[12,frame_thickness,60]);
 translate([+width/2+01,-frame_thickness/2,47]) color("green")rotate([0,-45,0]) cube(size=[12,frame_thickness,20]);
 translate([-frame_thickness/2,-width/2,0]) cube(size=[frame_thickness,width, ,
 // stabilize bottom with cylinder
 cylinder(h=r_bottom*2-rounding*.5, r1= r_bottom-rounding, r2=0);


module base (r_bottom,height,rounding,connector_radius,ball_distance, c1,c2,c3) {
 union () {
 // connector
 color("DarkSlateBlue") cylinder (h=height-0,r=r_bottom-rounding,$fn=60);
 color("MediumSlateBlue")cylinder (h=height-rounding,r=r_bottom,$fn=60);
 translate([0,0,height-rounding]) color("SlateBlue") rotate_extrude() 
 translate([r_bottom-rounding,0,0]) circle(r=rounding,$fn=120);
 // circle (ball) 1, 2 and 3
 translate([0,0,height+ball_distance+c1]) color("Indigo")sphere(r=c1,center=true,$fn=60);
 translate([0,0,height+2*ball_distance+2*c1+c2]) color("Violet")sphere(r=c2,center=true,$fn=60);
 translate([0,0,height+3*ball_distance+2*c1+2*c2+c3]) color("Purple")sphere(r=c3,center=true,$fn=60);


Go to the first part of the SCAD tutorial

OpenSCAD as sex toy generator

balls_scadOpenSCAD is a free software tool for creating 3d objects. But it is different from other CAD tools like Tinkercad or Freecad. Instead of using the mouse to select and modify 3d objects you have to use a description language. Making a 3d object in OpenSCAD is a bit like programming. For creating a sphere you just have to type sphere(r=10); where r is the radius of the sphere. For creating a cube or a cylinder just type in the appropriate command. When done select compile from the menu and you’re object will be displayed.

Just download the OpenSCAD software, install the tool and try out a command. You can copy and paste the dildo generator source code (at the end of this blog post) and try to change the parameters. Another option is to use the customizer module of the Thingiverse platform.

Brief Intro to OpenSCAD

openscadintro If you want to create a sphere not in the origin but somewhere else you have to shift the object using the translate command. For creating the second smaller sphere use

translate([30,0,0]) sphere(r=10);

The translate command moves the sphere objects on the x-axis by 30 points.

To visualize the form use the design menu and select “compile” or “compile and render”. Rendering takes some time (up to some minutes) but it will give you a correct preview of your form.

To build more complex objects you have to use the union or difference command. The union command puts simple objects together. With the difference command you can cut out something e.g. to make a ring. openscadintro2 You can download a STL-file (select “export STL” from the menu) and print out the form with a 3d printer.

OpenScad can be used to create sex toys as shown by Mr O. He used OpenScad to create basic building blocks for sex toys which can be combined and changed in size. Moreover with OpenScad you can make generative designs. For example you can make a generative dildo which can be individualized by changing parameters like height, length etc.

Generative Dildo Project

Let us create the “balls” dildo which is introduced in Silicone overmolded vibrator – balls revisited and Update for “balls revisted” – silicone molded vibrator.

molded-querThe dildo consists of 6 forms:

  • three spheres with individual radius
  • a base which is made of cylinders
  • and an iterative use of circles to make the upper top of the base to be round

We use the module command to encapsulate the commands for creating the dildo. A module is very similar to functions or procedures in other programming languages, but they do not return a value. They just execute the commands in the module. The definition of the module starts with its parameters.

module base (r_bottom,height,rounding,connector_radius,ball_distance, c1,c2,c3) {
  ...commands for creating the dildo...

c1, c2 and c3 are the radius of the spheres. r_bottom is the radius of the base part and height the height if the base parts.


Now you can produce different versions of the ball motive by entering different parameters when you call the module base. With the following parameters the form at the left side will be generated:




ball_scad_alt_parametersThis form will be made when using the following parameters:





Make your own generative sex toy design and publish it

The Thingiverse platform is able to create objects made with OpenSCAD. Just upload the SCAD-file to Thingiverse using the customizer option. Now you can change the parameters within Thingiverse and generate a customized STL-file for 3d printing. Try it out with the Thingiverse customizer (as long as nobody complains…).

Download the SCAD file source code here: form_only

Or copy & paste the following SCAD code to generate the “balls” sex toy:

// bodyinteraction toy form

// radius of bottom part
r_bottom=50; // [50:5:80] 
// height of bottom part
h_bottom=60; // [10:5:80] 
// top rounding of bottom part
rounding=10; // [10:5:20]
// radius of ball 1 
r_ball1=35; // [15:5:50] 
// radius of ball 2
r_ball2=25; // [15:5:50] 
//radius of ball 3 
r_ball3=20; // [15:5:50] 
// radius of connecting cylinders
connector_radius=10; // [10:2:20]
// distance between balls and bottom part
ball_distance=30; // [10:2:40]


module base (r_bottom,height,rounding,connector_radius,ball_distance, c1,c2,c3) {
 union () {
 // connector
 color("DarkSlateBlue") cylinder (h=height-0,r=r_bottom-rounding,$fn=60);
 color("MediumSlateBlue")cylinder (h=height-rounding,r=r_bottom,$fn=60);
 translate([0,0,height-rounding]) color("SlateBlue") rotate_extrude() 
 translate([r_bottom-rounding,0,0]) circle(r=rounding,$fn=120);
 // circle (ball) 1, 2 and 3
 translate([0,0,height+ball_distance+c1]) color("Indigo")sphere(r=c1,center=true,$fn=60);
 translate([0,0,height+2*ball_distance+2*c1+c2]) color("Violet")sphere(r=c2,center=true,$fn=60);
 translate([0,0,height+3*ball_distance+2*c1+2*c2+c3]) color("Purple")sphere(r=c3,center=true,$fn=60);


Next part: Silicone sex toy mold generator with OpenSCAD

Internet of (sex) things – part 4: Building a sex toy dashboard with Node-RED

In the fourth part of the tutorial we explain the development of a dashboard for our sex toy.

The series has 4 parts:

part 1: Exploring the internet of (sex) things

part 2: MQTT messages

part 3: Node-RED

part 4: Building a sex toy dashboard with Node-RED

The dashboard is used to visualize certain data eg. the speed of the vibration motor and the movements of the vibrator. In addition it can have some control elements eg. for changing the vibration pattern.


The window above is called a tab. You can have multiple tabs. The Motor, Data, Status and Controls – windows are called groups. The Controls – group has buttons to set the motor mode. In addition there is a slider which will set the motor to a constant speed. And there is an on/off button for the LED.

You have to install the Node-RED dashboard. Therefore you need at least version 0.14 of Node-RED. At the time this text was written the standard Node-RED installation is version 0.13 which is not sufficient for the dashboard.

Therefore check your Node-RED version. If it is equal or better than 0.14, skip this step:

  • Download & unzip the latest version from github (eg. https://github.com/node-red/node-red/releases/tag/0.15.2).
  • Now change to newly created directory eg “node-red-0.15.2”
  • On Windows: Start a command shell in adminstration mode
  • Execute “npm install” to install Node-RED.

If your Node-RED version is 0.14 or better install the dashboard:

Some  remarks:

Let’s start and have a look at the new Node-RED interface: On the left side you will find the dashboard or user interface nodes. And on the right side there is new dashboard – tab. It contains all dashboard nodes which are used in the flow ordered hierarchical.


But where is the dashboard? Just open your browser and go to one of the URLs:

http://localhost:1880/ui/#/0 or

How can I get all the flows? You can download all flows here: bi-ui-node-red. Unzip the file and you will get a text file. Open the text file in an editor. Select the text and copy it to the clipboard.

Now we will explain two flows in detail.

Now go the Node-RED window, open the menu (it is on the left top side), select Import -> Clipboard.import1

A new window will open where you can insert the text (CTRL+V). Then press the Import-button.


nodemcu prototype breadboardThe Arduino sketch was updated for the dashboard. Please download the Arduino sketch from here: iost-part4-v12. Unzip the file. Compile and upload to your hardware (see part 1 of the tutorial).


In the first flow we will receive some vibration motor sex toy data which are sent by the MQTT protocol. We will display the data using a gauge and a graph element.

Let’ start with the MQTT input node. There is nothing new. Just connect to the MQTT server and subscribe the topic “BIoutTopic2” – which the sex toy uses to send out data.mqtt-in

Now add the function node “JSON” which will parse the incoming message and places the result in “payload”.

But we want to know the motor speed only. Therefore we need a function node which passes the vibration motor speed as payload and deletes all other data. Please use the following JavaScript code:


To display the speed we need to more nodes. The gauge node gauge-node displays the actual speed. Connect the gauge node with the function node. You can add the range – the minimum and maximum value (0 and 1023).motor-gauge


Now add a chart node chart-nodeand connect it with the function node, too.


Next we want the chart node and the gauge node to be together as shown in the next image.


We have to make a group and put both nodes into the group. Have a look on the dashboard at the right side. Make a new group and move the gauge and chart node below the group called “Motor”.


slider-nodeNow we explain the second flow. It is used to send commands to the sex toy. We will use a slider to control the speed. But there is one problem: the slider should display the actual speed of the vibration motor. Therefore we manipulate the slider. To display the actual motor speed we have to move the slider appropriate to the actual speed. The slider will be part of the control group:


Now get the slider node and edit the node as follows:


Then connect the node with the “get motor speed” function which was introduced in the first flow.

construct-json-motor-speed-function-nodeFinally comes the trick part. Get a new function node and connect it with the slider. This node will construct the JSON message which will be sent to the sex toy using MQTT. The JavaScript code of the function node is as follows:


msg.payload={messageType:"execute", actuator:"motor1",
             actuatorMode:"constant", actuatorValue:msg.payload}
msg.topic = "BIinTopic";
return msg;

Now connect the function node with a new MQTT output node. Leave the topic empty as it will be passed from the input nodes:


Using Node-RED with the Node-RED dashboard we are able to make a user interface for our sex toy(s). We could easily display the motion of the sex toy as well as the vibration motor speed. You could argue that we had a (very simple) user interface already in part 1 of the tutorial, without having to use MQTT, Node-RED and the Node-RED dashboard. That’s true. But imagine you have several sex toys and want to control them. You could easily add a tab in Node-RED for each sex toy. Or you could build more sophisticated flows incorporating several sex toy. Why not interconnecting the vibrating necklace with a penis ring and one of the plugs or dildos?

There are a lot of flows and nodes already available at http://flows.nodered.org/. (Of course not in the sex toy domain)

Why not play music for a given sex toy vibrator mode? Or control the sex toy using another IOT device…